Ibuprofen is commonly used to treat fever, pain, and inflammation in humans. Ibuprofen poisoning occurs when a dog ingests a toxic dose of ibuprofen, either through misuse or by accident.
Icterus is also known as jaundice is an excessive accumulation of a yellow pigment in the blood and tissues, most easily seen in the gingivae and sclerae. Icterus can be caused by hemolysis, liver disease, or obstruction of the bile duct. Your veterinarian will perform screening tests to determine the root cause of icterus. Based on preliminary tests, your veterinarian may recommend fine needle aspiration, needle biopsy, or a surgical biopsy. Icterus will resolve once the underlying disease is identified and treated. The prognosis depends on the underlying cause.
Parvovirus in Dogs
La infección por parvovirus canino es una enfermedad relativamente moderna que apareció por primera vez en 1978. Debido a la gravedad del proceso y su rápida propagación en la población canina, la parvovirosis constituye un problema de interés público.
Foreign body obstruction is a common and potentially life-threatening condition in veterinary practice. Some foreign bodies pass through the intestinal tract, but if an obstruction occurs, surgical removal of the blocked object is the only treatment.
Bee stings and bites from spiders, fleas, and ticks are the most common causes of insect bite reactions in pets. Insect bites can cause mild to severe allergic reactions in many dogs. Fortunately, most reactions are minor and have an excellent prognosis for recovery. Treatment typically involves antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs
El término insuficiencia renal crónica parece sugerir que los riñones han dejado de funcionar y no producen orina pero, por definición, insuficiencia renal indica que los riñones son incapaces de eliminar productos de deshecho de la sangre. La definición del término puede crear confusión en ocasiones porque hay quien identifica insuficiencia renal con la incapacidad para producir orina, cuando en realidad no es así.
This handout discusses lens luxation in dogs. The lens is the transparent structure within the eye that focuses light on the retina. Lens luxation is when the support ligaments of the lens weaken or break, causing the lens to dislocate from its normal position. The various types, clinical signs, heredity of the condition, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are outlined.
Internal Parasites in Dogs
En general, hay dos tipos de parásitos internos que afectan al perro. En primer lugar están los nematodos o gusanos redondos, de los cuales Toxocara canis (el gusano redondo intestinal más común) y Diarofilaria immitis (el gusano cardiaco) son los principales ejemplos. En segundo lugar tenemos los cestodos o gusanos planos, de los cuales Dipylidium caninum y las especies Taenia y Echinococcus son ejemplos importantes.
While macadamia nuts are edible for humans, they are poisonous for dogs. Initial signs of macadamia nut poisoning include vomiting, fever, and lethargy, and will progress to incoordination, reluctance to use the rear limbs, inability to stand, joint stiffness, and muscle tremors. Macadamia nuts can also lead to pancreatitis.
This handout discusses meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord, in dogs. The numerous potential causes, along with the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the condition are outlined.