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  • Five Star Veterinary Center
  • Five Star Veterinary Center,
  • 13725 Foothill Blvd,
  • California,
  • Phone: 818-362-6599


Dogs + Pet Services

  • Spanish Water Dogs are very active and have strong herding and guarding instincts – they are intelligent, loyal, and affectionate, making them excellent guardians. They tend to be Velcro dogs – while they accept the whole family, they tend to attach to one person in particular.

  • Canine grooming is important. Dogs should be kept clean, be brushed often, and get clipped as needed. If you want to do something more unique, like applying nail polish or hair dye, choosing a canine-approved product that is appropriately applied while the dog is monitored is highly recommended.

  • The two groups of spiders responsible for most medically significant spider bites include the widow spiders (Latrodectus spp., including the black widow spider) and the recluse spiders (Loxosceles spp., including the brown recluse). The clinical signs and treatment of black widow and brown recluse spider bites vary significantly due to differences in their venom.

  • The Spinone Italiano is a superb companion for the hunter or outdoorsman. These dogs follow directions, stay within close range, and willingly plow through heavy brush and dive into ponds. When not hunting, a Spinone Italiano will join you on a hike, let a toddler snuggle next to her, or play tag with the kids.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma is a tumor of the cells that make up the contact or upper layer of the skin. UV light exposure has been described as a developmental factor in people, though it is still in question as to the role for dogs. Several breeds are known to be predisposed to this type of cancer. About 30% of dogs with the digital form of the disease will have evidence of spread. Regardless of the location, surgery is typically the treatment of choice, and staging is usually recommended prior to any surgery.

  • The Staffordshire Bull Terrier loves his family with a passion, especially the juvenile members - this breed's devotion to children is legendary.

  • What makes the Standard Schnauzer so compelling? Maybe it is the distinctive beard and mustache supporting the long muzzle that captures our attention, or those eyes that seem to be scrutinizing with an insatiable curiosity and perhaps even skepticism.

  • Staph (or staphylococcal) dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that the skin caused by a group of bacteria called Staphylococcus. Any disorder that causes itching or a change in the skin’s environment can create the ideal conditions to allow Staphylococcus to become a problem. This handout discusses Staphylococcus dermatitis in dogs, as well as a hypersensitivity (allergic) reaction to this bacteria. The clinical signs of these conditions, along with diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, are outlined.

  • This handout discusses the use of corticosteroid (such as prednisone or dexamethasone) in the dog. Reasons for use as well as the common short-term and long-term side effects of these drugs are outlined, along with strategies to avoid these effects.

  • Stomach tumors are uncommon in dogs and cats. There are many kinds, including leiomyosarcomas, lymphomas, adenocarcinomas, mast cell tumors, fibrosarcomas, plasmacytomas, gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs), and carcinoids (all malignant); and leiomyomas, adenomatous polyps, and adenomas (benign). Most tumors are malignant. Stomach tumors are more prevalent in older animals, males, and certain breeds. The signs of stomach tumors include chronic vomiting, inappetence, lethargy, and weight loss. Sometimes tumor ulceration will cause anemia. Paraneoplastic syndromes are possible with the muscle tumors. Stomach tumors may be diagnosed with imaging, endoscopy, or surgery, with a biopsy. Treatment may involve surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.