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  • Five Star Veterinary Center
  • Five Star Veterinary Center,
  • 13725 Foothill Blvd,
  • California,
  • Phone: 818-362-6599



  • As veterinarians become more conscious of the details and nuances of how cats experience pain, they search for more methods with which to battle both acute and chronic pain in these patients. Therapeutic massage is one example of a physical medicine technique that has found a place in the feline pain management toolbox.

  • As veterinarians become more conscious of the details and nuances of how dogs experience pain, they search for more methods with which to battle both acute and chronic pain in these patients. It is quite common now to look to human medicine for ideas and techniques that can be applied to dogs who are dealing with pain issues to help them feel better and to help relive their pain and discomfort. Therapeutic massage is one example of a physical medicine technique that has found a place in the canine pain management toolbox.

  • Therapeutic ultrasound a treatment method that applies thermal, mechanical, and chemical effects to tissues to improve healing. It can be used to increase the stretch in fibrous tissues (such as tendons), which can help increase range of motion around a joint. Therapeutic ultrasound can also be used to soften and break down scar tissue that is interfering with movement. By deep heating the tissues, therapeutic ultrasound increases blood flow to the inflamed areas, which can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Therapeutic ultrasound can also decrease pain and muscle spasms, as well as speed up wound healing.

  • Total ear canal ablation and bulla osteotomy (TECA-BO) is a surgery performed to remove the ear canal and a portion of the middle ear. This surgery is performed in cases where the pet is suffering from chronic and unresponsive ear infections. The surgical technique, reasons for performing the procedure, the diagnostic steps, and potential post-op complications are outlined in this handout.

  • Your cat has allergies. These instructions have been provided by your veterinary healthcare team to help you treat your cat for her specific allergy. The instructions that relate to your cat are checked.

  • Your dog has allergies. These instructions have been provided by your veterinary healthcare team to help you treat your dog for his specific allergy. The instructions that relate to your dog are checked.

  • This handout summarizes the various forms of treatment for cats with asthma and includes a list of treatment instructions for home care. Treatment options include corticosteroids, bronchodilators, and inhaler use. Warning signs for cat owners to watch out for are included.

  • Damage to the tympanic membrane and middle ear infections can be very painful for cats and cause a variety of clinical signs affecting the skin and nervous system. Diagnosis often requires a thorough ear examination with testing while your cat is under sedation or anesthesia. The treatment methods and prognosis depend on the nature of your cat's condition.

  • Damage to the tympanic membrane and middle ear infections can be very painful for dogs and cause a variety of clinical signs affecting the skin and nervous system. Diagnosis often requires a thorough ear examination with testing while your dog is under sedation or anesthesia. The treatment methods and prognosis depend on the nature of your dog's condition.

  • The term chiropractic refers to manual therapy used to manipulate muscles and joints, especially the intervertebral joints in the spine. The goal of this therapy is to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance overall wellness.